Elysium Hair Salon Covid-19 Policies & Procedures

  • Elysium Skin test policy- If you have not been to the salon before or within 3 month of your last colour you MUST be skin tested for salon insurance reasons.
  • It is important to cancel and reschedule your appointment if:-
  • You feel unwell.
  • You live with someone who is unwell.
  • You have been in contact with anyone who has typical corona virus symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath, loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
  • You have recently travelled to an area with high infection rates.

If you need to cancel / rearrange your appointment for Covd-19 or any other reason, the following process will be followed:-

  • Alert the Salon minimum 48 Hours prior to the appointment
  • We will try our very best to fill that appointment and carry your deposit forward to a new booking.
  • If we are unable to fill the appointment due to short notice; we are unable to refund your deposit due to the high demand for appointments
  • We will still endeavour to find you a future appointment more suitable.
  • Cancellation within 48 hours of appointment – Deposit non refundable

Extra Health & Safety measures we are taking!!

  • We ask that all Clients come alone to appointments
  • Our cloakroom is temporarily closed within the salon, so we ask that all Clients bring minimal belongings.
  • One of the Team will be waiting for you on arrival and will greet you without close contact (no handshake, hugs, etc).
  • On arrival, you will be asked to use hand sanitiser and take your temperature, we will provide these facilities.
  • Our team is following strict hygiene guidelines and we ask you to do the same – please place any used paper towels and tissues straight in the bin after use. Sanitise your hands after coughing and sneezing.
  • There will be no magazines or newspapers to share between clients.
  • Team Members will be sanitising all stations, door handles, and bathroom regularly.
  • Team Members will be washing their hands thoroughly between Clients and appointments.
  • If you are interested in any of our retail products on display, please ask your Stylist who can bring a tester to your station and discuss.
  • Our Team are required to wear a Protective Visor and protective disposable clothing, We are however NOT required to wear a mask and DONOT require that you wear one, if you would prefer to wear one you must provide your own.
  • Where possible could we ask you to pay via contactless methods.

If you have any questions / queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team!!

Elysium Hair & Beauty Salon

Elysium Hair & Beauty have established a reputation as one of the best hair salons in the Manchester area, with over a decade of skilled hairdressing experience, and an unrivalled knowledge in the art of hair extension application.

Stacey Brogan, the owner of Elysium Hair & Beauty, has built up a fantastic team of highly qualified hairstylists, beauty therapists and nail technicians, who all make a concerted effort to bring all the latest fashion and hairstyle trends to our Manchester Hairdressers. We do this by keeping up to date within all our individual areas of training and knowledge. We only use products that are industry recognised as being the best, including the brands such as Paul Mitchell, Easilocks, Remi Superior Hair Extensions, Russian Coloured Hair Extensions, Olaplex, and many more.

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